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After scanning some other FastPass+ to get everyone through their first three we decided to take the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom.
After scanning some other FastPass+ to get everyone through their first three we decided to take the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom. Click to switch to large image view
Only problem was the Monorail was down so buses were filling in.  Or maybe they were just trying to convince tourists these are new fangled Monorails not buses :)
Only problem was the Monorail was down so buses were filling in. Or maybe they were just trying to convince tourists these are new fangled Monorails not buses :) Click to switch to large image view
This meant a long trip to the Magic Kingdom.  20 minutes from the bus pulling in until we reached the MK Tollplaza.
This meant a long trip to the Magic Kingdom. 20 minutes from the bus pulling in until we reached the MK Tollplaza. Click to switch to large image view
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